
Cheap vs. Responsibly Priced

There are countless reasons as to why we REFUSE to go cheap and compete with much cheaper solar companies, and these are just a handful. It is very important that you ensure you know what you’re getting when you choose a Solar Company for your installation and hopefully this gets you going in the right direction.

1. It will require using sub-contractors.

This point isn’t a dig at sub-contractors and we aren’t suggesting that ALL sub-contractors are bad, because that just simply isn’t true! These are a few reasons why we choose not to use them.

In a flooded industry where over 80% of Solar Companies use subbies the result is that these companies will not guarantee your installation. I mean, would you guarantee someone else’s work? Probably not.

Using contractors is often messy business as their goals are very different to ours. They will cut corners and rush installs to minimise costs and maximise profits. In addition to that, warranties are with the company that installs and signs off the system… Everyone knows getting a paid contractor to come back can be extremely difficult and, in many cases, they don’t, as coming back will take out most of the profit.

Cheap installs often results in cheap equipment, installers and materials resulting in constant breakdowns and issues with zero post install support.

2. Voids home insurance

A very big problem not many homeowners are actually aware of!

Firstly, yes! You can put your solar system under your home and contents insurance (Speak to your insurer for more information).

Secondly, yes… A cheap installation can void your home insurance.

There are many horror stories of homeowners LOSING THEIR HOMES due to dirty cheap companies not installing correctly under the CEC & Electrical Safety Code. These are worst case scenario’s, but doing it cheap and risking it voiding your home insurance is not a good way to spend thousands of your hard earned dollars.

3. Providing post install services and support is impossible

A large majority of solar companies go bust within their first few years of business and this leaves many customers without warranties or support so much so that companies these days actually have departments setup to specifically help & guide customers with existing systems.

Cheap installations make it impossible to provide post install support. Companies with cheap installations do not have the cash to come back and fix mistakes, and mistakes are extremely common with cheap price tags. Which is a big culprit into why so many companies are going bust in such a short time.