Are you looking for ways to save and get the most out of your solar system? Our Energy Experts have listed their best tips below!
1. Use power during daylight.
It might sound pretty obvious but it’s a big one. Solar power only generates electricity during daylight hours.
Understandably, many people are not home during the day to utilise their system. This is where we suggest putting appliances on timers to run during the day, such as a dishwasher or washing machine, or starting them as you leave for the day.
2. Know your power suckers.
Following on from utilising your power during daylight hours would be to know what in your home consumes the most electricity.
We break this down into the big 5:
The consumption figures below are averages. Most appliances will have Energy Rating’s on them.
- Air conditioning – 4kW/hr on average. Heating can use up to 4x as much power!
- Pool pump – 2kW/hr. Using a heat pump as well? Double it.
- Clothes dryer – 3kW/hr.
- Washing machine – 2-3kW/hr.
- Dishwasher – 2-3kW/hr.
3. Stagger the usage of your appliances.
Avoid switching on all your appliances at once.
For example; If your solar system is generating 4kW/hr and your air conditioner is consuming 4kW/hr then anything else you run will be costing you money as it will be using excess energy from Synergy’s grid.
So refrain from running multiple large appliances at once and instead stagger the usage. Once your home is at a good temperature, switch the air conditioner off for an hour and run a washing cycle. Washing cycle is done? Switch on the dishwasher.
This is a great way to get the most out of what your solar system is producing.
4. Set your air conditioner properly
The lower/cooler you set the temperature for your air conditioner the more power it is going to consume. A 3 degree change from 22 down to 19 could cost you over $600 a year on extra power!